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Blog#2 Dual-coding theory

How will dual coding theory change the way you create PowerPoint presentations?

“Dual-coding theory postulates that both visual and verbal information is used to represent information. visual and verbal information Visual and verbal information are processed differently and along distinct channels in the human mind.” In our classes, both in the classroom and in the online courses we have taken over the past year and a half, the instructor has chosen to use power-point when teaching. -Because I believe that information cannot be conveyed only through language, and if we just read the textbook, the large amount of text will make people feel exhausted in the process of reading, as I discussed in the presentation this week, Cognitive Load Theory, Working memory is finite if you overload working memory is not enough. If you overload working memory before there is time for encoding and long-term storage in mental models, things will be forgotten. If you overload, working memory is finite. If you overload working memory before there is time for encoding and long-term storage in mental models, things will be forgotten. However, if you add some pictures and videos to your power-point But if you add some relevant pictures and videos to the power-point, it will be more attractive to the audience, and the unique pictures and videos can make the audience remember the content very easily. So once, when I made a power-point, I simply added what I thought was effective, including only a lot of text, which was difficult during the presentation, and the audience would also find it boring and could not catch the key points content. Now when I make a power-point, I reduce the text and write only the crucial headings, then add some relevant pictures and videos, and add my personal stories and experiences during the presentation, which effectively improves my presentation, and the audience can easily understand what I want to say and the key points. When I finish my speech, the audience can also remember the content of my speech instead of not knowing anything when I mention the content.

What non-digital multimedia and interactive experiences (class discussions, nature walks, brainstorming, etc.) have you experienced in the past? Were they interesting and engaging?

For the past year and a half, because of COVID-19, I have been doing online learning through learning tools like ZOOM. I found some of my classes absorbing in that the teachers used shared screens to teach during the learning process. One of them added relevant videos inside his Powerpoint during the teaching process and pulled discussion groups to discuss and learn with other students. I think this is very interesting because if we have a class and just read text content for a long time, it will make me feel very dull. However, when the teacher shared the video with us, the change from text to video increased the students’ interest in learning. It allowed us to share our views and experiences with other students in the class discussion so that we were not so dull in the class discussion.


  1. jingjingjiang

    Hi Jialin,

    Thank you for sharing this information. I read your article and got a lot of inspiration. We can use the Dual-coding theory to better catch the attention of the audience and make our PPT more informative. As a viewer I do find pictures and videos to be more engaging and easier to understand than long speeches. I think your description will be of great help to my study in the future. I have noticed that your pictures and PPT are very simple and clear about the relationship between Dual-coding theory and Cognitive theory. I like your post.


    • jialinhe1227

      Thank you for your like, I think Powerpoint is a good choice for us in our current learning process, whether it is shared among teachers or classmates, and how to use the learning tool correctly I think is also helpful for improving learning efficiency.

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